I examined George E. BALLEW's Compiled Military Service Records just now. The last record card in his file is for the Jackson Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. He was admitted on 19 MAR 1865 suffering from febris intermittent (intermittent fever) and was returned to duty on 31 MAR 1865. There are no 1865 POW records in his file, nor did I find a final parole. A regimental history for the 14th Georgia Infantry states that the regiment was surrendered at Appomattox Court House on 9 APR 1865.
What is the story behind a group of Georgia soldiers being sent to Hart's Island in April 1865? There may be a list, but it will be in the National Archives and apparently was either not carded, or George E. BALLEW's name was not on it. Otherwise, it would have appeared in his CMSR.
Not much help, but I am curious about how you have framed your query for this message board.
Hugh Simmons
Fort Delaware Society
Website: www.fortdelaware.org
E-mail: society@fortdelaware.org