The Civil War Navies Message Board

Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave

Hello all,
The more I think of the robbing of the Commadore's grave the more angry I get. Actually I am pissed!! If I were y'all, and if I knew who did this and had those bones, skull, etc., I would contact the headquarters of Sons of Confederate Veterans, DCV, and whatever they call that wing of them that is when you are descended from Officers. Perhaps they could have something done to return the bones. Pay the rascals that did this if need be for the bones, but get them back. If he was my ancester and someone I knew doug up his bones, and then took skull to one's house and the rest whereever they took them, I would get them back at gunpoint.

But that would not be necessary. What they did is agaisnt the law if I am not mistaken. Take the law and a search warrant with you, without them having any prior warning of course, and go reclaim his remains.

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Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
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Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
Re: Commodore William C Whittle, Sr. 's Grave
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Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?
Re: His son's grave?