The Civil War Prisons Message Board

Cross of Honor Camp Randall

In my material on Camp Randall Confederate Prisoners, I just noted an item of unique interest. I don't know the source, just a copy I have, I think part of it is from a Madison, Wisconsin newspaper perhaps. At the bottom of the article it states "In 1930 the United Daughters of the Confederacy gave a mounument with all the names of the men listed. They also gave 140 Crosses of Honor at that time. Fifty of these crosses were lost or wore out during the years and were replaced last year." I had previosly wrote to the UDC in Richmond and inquired if deceased Confederate veterans were ever issued the Cross of Honor. I did not receive a reply. After reading the afore mentioned, I am curious if any one has an answer. Could it be possible that these names would also be on record at UDC headquarters in Richmond (name, date, place, etc)?

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Cross of Honor Camp Randall
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