The Kansas in the Civil War Message Board

Death of Doug Keller, Pea Ridge NMP historian...

Sad news indeed. The following NPS News Release was emailed to me by Andy Thomas:

Pea Ridge National Military Park News Release

April 25, 2005
For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Steve Black 479-451-8122 x 226

A Life Well Lived - Doug Keller 1964-2005

Pea Ridge National Military Park lost a valuable member of its staff with the death of Park Historian, Doug Keller. Doug died suddenly in his sleep Sunday April 24, 2005. As his death was unexpected, the park is in quite a state of shock.

While Doug was thrown many curve balls at birth and in life and may have been short in stature, he cast a giant shadow and was well respected in the Civil War and historian communities. Originally, a native of Colorado, Doug cut his NPS teeth at what is now Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. After five summers on the high plains of Montana, Doug got his permanent status and returned to Colorado as a Museum Technician at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site in 1988 and eventually working his way east in 1991 to Arkansas and Pea Ridge NMP.

Doug became the master of the Pea Ridge story and was a much sought after commodity. People from across the United States and from around the world came to Doug whenever a question about this important battle arose. He was instrumental in all minor and major projects the park did in his tenure and was the leading force behind the return of General Samuel Curtis's coats to the battlefield. He will be fondly remembered for his wicked sense of humor, his passion for knowledge, his love of Las Vegas, his generosity, and his friendship.

The family asks that in lieu of flowers that donations be made to help finish what Doug started and help the Pea Ridge National Military Park Foundation complete the purchase of the Curtis Coats.

Pea Ridge National Military Park Foundation
PO Box 700
Pea Ridge, AR 72751

A memorial service for Doug is scheduled for Thursday at Pea Ridge NMP at 10 am and all those that Doug touched are invited to attend. For more information, please contact the Chief Ranger's office at 479-451-8122 x 226

Doug was a special friend to me during my trips to Pea Ridge doing volunteer work. We went out to dinner several times and compared notes re the battle. The last time I met with him (March 2004) I noticed he was having more difficulty than usual with his breathing. I will very greatly miss his knowledge, wit, and special humor.

- Ken Byrd