The Kansas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !

Donald.... I would agree that events frequently are the result of more factors than one would be able to collect at any given point in time. I would also agree that the raid on Lawrence and even the destruction of Pappinsville, Butler, West Point and Osceola were the results of many factors. I would even further agree that these factors are evident on both sides.

However, we are trying (for the sake of discussion) to apply the criteria of a definition of guerrilla or terrorist to the ultimate leaders of these actions whether it is John Brown or William Quantrell, or Jim Lane and Charles R. Jennison or Sterling Price and Timothy Reeves. History tends to focus on the leaders, even if they sometimes are not in control of all of the events.

So, back to my readings, I see different perspectives and motivations for all of the above named individuals. For example if you look at the motivation of "revenge", I would find it difficult to apply to John Brown, William Quantrell, Jim Lane, Charles R. Jennison or Sterling Price and do not have conclusive proof that it would apply to Timothy Reeves. Only an extensive review of most of the primary sources would possibly confirm or deny that premise.

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Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !
"Jayhawker" tells it all~ *NM*
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Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !
Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !
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Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !
Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !
Re: AND neither did the Yankee`s !