The Civil War Prisons Message Board

Re: Updated info on Co. G 1st CT. CAV.

John, yes I agree with your statement and great job in bringing it up. Another Confederate such as Michael Quinn (#57) would also fall into this catagory, although with his case he may or may not had duty with the 1st Connecticut Cavalry. I'm sure you are aware that there were three main Union units who drew from the prisoners at Fort Delaware. 1) 3rd Regiment Heavy Artillery, Pennsylvania Volunteers Battery M which started recruiting former Confederates in July and August 1863 2) 3rd Maryland Cavalry which started in August of 1863. 3) 1st Connecticut Cavalry which started taking former Confederate prisoners in early October 1863. As one might expect since the 3rd Regiment Heavy Artillery, Pennsylvania Volunteers Battery M was the 1st to recruit from Fort Delaware they had an overflow of former Confederates. Some of these former Confederates would be transferred to Pennsylvania Infantry units such as the 188th.

The Union wanted former Confederates within their ranks who had been conscripted into the Confederate units and or who had deserted their Confederate units. Since the Union did not have access to Confederate records they had to take the former Confederates at their word. From the research done thus far it would appear about 60% to 70% of the former Confederates that joined the 1st CT. CAV., had either deserted or were conscripted into the Confederate units. The majority of Confederates enlisting in 1861 were volunteers as their CMSR's indicated that with the possible exception of South Carolina. However, in joining the 1st CT. CAV., they were listed as being conscripted. Some of them just wanted out of prison and a gun and a horse. About 1/3 of the former Confederates in the 1st CT. CAV., would desert. And about 1/3 would finish their enlistment with the 1st US Independant Company and be discharged on November 16, 1865. The other 1/3 had various methods including death and early discharges, desertions after arriving to Minnesota etc.

The purpose of this research was try and understand who these former Confederates were that joined the 1st Connecticut Cavalry.

The following are the three latest finds of the former Confederate soldiers with Company G 1st Connecticut Cavalry.

40) Michael Mahoney - Believed to be former Confederate with Company K 1st South Carolina McCreary's Infantry (1st Provisional Army) Listed as being born in Ireland. Reported to be a prisoner of war during Gettysburg campaign. Hill's Corps, Pender's Division, McGowan's Brigade. Transferred to NW: Discharged on November 16, 1865

36) Seaborn Jones - Believed to be former Confederate with Company B 38th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry. Listed as being born in Mississippi. Reported being captured at battle of Big Black, Mississippi on May 17, 1863. Probably taken to Memphis, Tennessee, then to Louisville, Kentucky, then to Camp Morton, Indiana, then to Fort Delaware. Deserted on January 25, 1864

57) Michael Quinn - Believed to be former Confederate with Orange (Virginia) Artillery: Captain Charles W. Fry. Listed as straggling in Maryland during Confederates retreat from the Gettysburg campaign and listed as a prisoner of war. Ewell's Corps, Rhodes' Division, Carter's Artillery Battalion. Believed to enlisted in 3rd Maryland Cavalry and not the 1st Connecticut Cavalry. Died December 2, 1864.

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Additional info on Company G 1st Ct.Cav.
Updated info on Co. G 1st CT. CAV.
Revised update Co.G 1st CT. CAV.
Re: Updated info on Co. G 1st CT. CAV.
Re: Updated info on Co. G 1st CT. CAV.