The Civil War Navies Message Board

SS Penobscot

I am writing a book about New Jersey's Civil War surgeons. One of them was Dr. Edward Pierson who after an unhappy three months in the 1st NJ Militia, sought a naval commission. He received that in October 1861 and was first assigned to the SS St. Lawrence. When it made port in Florida he contracted yellow fever and returned north to "recruit" his health. He was then ordered to the US gunboat Penobscot as ship's surgeon. They were doing blockade duty of Wilmington NC. On March 22, 1862 the ship went in pursuit of a blockade runner and one shell from Fort Fisher pierced the wall of his cabin and fatally injured the doctor. He died two hours later.
If anyone has background information on the Penobscot, it would be appreciated.

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SS Penobscot
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