The Civil War Navies Message Board

Questions about CSS Neuse escavation

Hello all,
I have been to the CSS Neuse site numerous times and seen the pics of the salvage operation in the 1960s when they were salvaging her. In those pics it shows guys standing on top her her, with some standing below decks inside the area which was below the casemate. It mentions things like a bottle of Lee and Perrins Worchershire sauce found in the galley.

Now, I am sure the reason why only the bottom of the hull remains in the museum is because she was in too bad a shape to lift up intact and she probably broke up. It seems to me even if she broke up the various parts could been preserved and pieced back together or something. But why in the heck did not someone, State Archealogists, Historical commisson personel, SOMEONE, take step by step pics of the whole effort to raise her, especially of her interior. Pics should have been taken of the interior before anyone went in and started removing things, etc.. I would like to know just what was where inside of her, how it was all designed or arranged. A virtually intact CS Casemate Ironclad almost intact and they had to completely destroy her, without taking hardly any pics of her to boot!! Naturally!
Just had to rant a tiny big about that.