The Civil War Artillery Message Board

A Bit Of Light Reading

I'm not sure how to go about making nice neat titled links here, so I'll post the title of the paper, then the link.

Report addressed to the Hon. Jefferson Davis, secretary of war, on the effects of firing with heavy ordnance from casement embrasures: and also the effects of firing against the same embrasures with various kinds of missiles: in the years 1852, '53, '54, and '55, at West Point, in the state of New York (1857)


On the physical conditions involved in the construction of artillery: with an investigation of the relative and absolute values of the materials principally employed, and of some hitherto unexplained causes of the destruction of cannon in service (1856)


A short acount of an improved cannon : and of the machinery and processes employed in its manufacture (1856)


Granted, all a few years before the War, but all apply in some way to the guns used during the War.
