The Civil War Artillery Message Board

Cannon Convergence at Ft. Meigs, OH 18-20 April

Fort Meigs Cannon Convergence
Held in conjunction with The War of 1812 Clothing Conference

April 18-19-20, 2008
At Fort Meigs, Perrysburg, Ohio (near Toledo, Ohio)

Friday, April 18th early arrivals will witness the pouring of a bronze 3 pound tube
at Gillmor Ordnance at 2:00 pm.

Saturday, April 19th
Early Federal Period, Field Gun Carriages
By Matt Switlik
A review of literature and archival records relating to American
field gun carriages 1795-1830, will be discussed.

Matt Switlik retired in 2004, after 32 years as Director of the Monroe County Historical Museum, to pursue his ongoing interest in historic field artillery. He remains active in publications, practical restoration, and consulting on historic artillery.

Artillery Research Resources
By John L. Morris
This is intended as a "participative discussion" on current historical resources, with particular application to the study of antique artillery. Attendees are encouraged to contribute information on websites, experts, recent research projects, etc, and should bring legible copies of URL’s.
He will discuss how records in the National Archives I and II, as well as
regional and state archives are searched, accessed, and cited.

Mr. Morris is a 1971 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, with a BS degree
and an officer’s Commission. He is now Chief Executive Officer of
Springfield Arsenal, an international supplier of collectible militaria.

War of 1812 Artillery, from its Revolutionary Beginnings to the War of 1812
By Rob Trumbull
Mr. Trumbull will present a brief history of the organization of artillery and equipment.

Robert Trumbull has 26 years of experience in living history, museum interpretation,
black powder safety and event management.

Period Gun Tools
By Randy Wolfe
On Sunday April 20th Mr. Wolfe will demonstrate the proper techniques of making artillery tools, using Fort Meigs’s traveling forge, and traditional blacksmithing tools.

The cost of $50 per person allows for participants to attend both the Cannon Convergence and Clothing Conference being held simultaneously. Please register through Smoke and Fire,
at 27 N. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 (1-800-766-5334).
More information regarding the Cannon Convergence can be found at